Jojo M. Villamin


The funeral industry has grown rapidly over the years.  It is very evident that in the Philippines, many funeral parlors are sprouting all over the country as well funeral insurance policy companies.  The funeral industry has taken more major roles in the burial rituals, funeral arrangements, body disposition procedures, last rites, and after care services to attend to the special needs. One of the richest customs in celebrating a funeral event was the Chinese society.  Chinese was well known for their custom of following a lot of superstitions.  Filipinos also believed in superstitions like the Chinese, but their way of celebrating the funeral rites was different.  These customs make managing a funeral event difficult. That is why seeking professional guidance and support is a good idea. The study looks into the comparative study of the availment of the funeral planning management service among Chinese and Filipino to observe the difference and similarities on the level of awareness, interest, the desire and actions of the two different cultures regarding the funeral planning management service. The researcher’s purpose was to make a basis for developing an event strategy that would facilitate the acceptability of the funeral planning management service in the Philippines. 

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22334/jbhost.v2i1.78


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