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I Gusti Ketut Purnaya, Francisca Titing Koerniwaty


The Management of Nusa Dua Tourism Resort couldn’t be separated from macro social and political developments at the national level and the micro at the regional level. The stakeholder power relations between the three pillars of the government (BTDC), investors, and the society in the management of this resort is influenced by external factors, is the globalization that its development. This study focused on analyzing and answering what ideology is affecting the management of this resort.  It is expected to give a theoretical benefit in the development and management of tourist resorts, particularly efforts to understand conceptually the relationship between governments, investors, and local communities in this resort. The study was designed as a qualitative research by using phenomenology approach.  Results of this study indicated that the management of this resort not only determined by the business management matters but also by the social and political situation and by global and others tourism related ideologies. Social and political change and demands by these ideologies force all three pillars in these management activities to wisely exercising their power in relation of each other for the benefit of all parties and assurance of the sustainability of the resort.

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Peraturan Daerah Provinsi Bali Nomor 16 Tahun 2009, Tentang Rencana Tata Ruang Wilayah Provinsi Bali Tahun 2009 – 2029.

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