
  • Edgar Allan Dela Cruz Mendoza Far Eastern University Manila
  • Nimrod Carpio De La Salle University



Food service industry around the world is obviously producing volume of both food and non-food products, not to mention the usage of water and energy. This industry consumes huge quantities of resources and produces diverse rates of waste. Green practices have been defined as the implementation of environment friendly activities in all areas including the procurement of green food (Harris, L.C., & Crane, A., 2002). In this study, the term was used as procurement of locally and organically grown foods as well as the efficient and effective use of resources to reduce waste and recycling (Harris, et al., 2002). During the data gathering, experts recommended several international food related organizations which endorse green practices. These organizations cited different areas that are being affected by green practices if will be applied. Several green practices were presented in this study for kitchen and dining operations from water & energy usage, sustainable purchasing, preparation, & packaging, effective disposal and pollution reduction, sustainable fixtures & furniture, and lastly staffs’ education and training. These practices were used to identify the different barriers in adapting green practices in kitchen and dining operations in the Philippines. 


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How to Cite

Mendoza, E. A. D. C., & Carpio, N. (2017). BENCHMARKING KITCHEN AND DINING OPERATIONS. Journal of Business on Hospitality and Tourism, 2(1), 351–360.