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I Wayan Suardana, I Nyoman Sudiarta


This study aims to determine the typology of poverty, the causes of poverty and the impact of tourism  on  the poor, in the region Tulamben and Candidasa, Karangasem district. Research using purposive sampling method with a sample size 94 respondents. The data analysis using quantitative descriptive analysis. The research results are as follows. Typology of poverty of coastal communities, among others: age dominated 60 years and over, low education (graduated SD), the average income of 300,000 / month. Causes of poverty include natural factors, cultural factors, and the lack of poor people to work in the tourism sector. The impact of tourism on coastal communities on the one hand a positive impact on the opportunities opening new jobs like being a guest introductory diving, porter, and souvenir sellers. 

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