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The Tourism Development Strategy of Yeh Gangga Beach to be Competitive Tourism Product at Tabanan Bali

I Made Bayu Wisnawa, I Ketut Sutapa, I Gusti Agung Bagus Widiantara


This research has a specific purpose: (i) determine the potential of coastal area can be developed as a tourism product, (ii) Knowing constraints are faced in developing the tourism potential, and (iii) determine strategies that can be used in developing the tourism potential of the coast as a creative tourism products Yeh Gangga Beach, Sudimara village, Tabanan Bali. The general objective to be achieved is to improve the performance of the tourism sector in the welfare of society Tabanan through sustainable tourism development by developing creative potential.. The research found that (i) Yeh Gangga Beach has some potential creativity attraction, such as : art market, handycraft,video and photography, music and art performance, scenery, and accomodation; (ii) The main problems encountered are (i)Most strategic land has been switched ownership to investors. The strategy should be applied is (i) Maintain Yeh Gangga Beach as tourist attraction developed Tabanan through local regulations, (ii) increasing public awareness of tourism. The implications are (i) theoretically enriching literature of sustainability in tourism coastal area, (ii)practically could enhance the government to develop coastal tourism in Tabanan Bali.

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