Developing Communicative Competence of The Students at The Bali Hotel School by Implementing Instructional Role Play

Denok Lestari


The ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) by the end of 2015 will surely open up opportunities and challenges for any job seekers in ASEAN countries to work across the nation borders. Despite high qualification in certain professional fields, English is undoubtedly required as a means of International communication. In contrast to this, the English speaking skills of Indonesian workers are still lacking. This article describes a research and development which was conducted at the Bali Hotel School, specifically at the program of Food and Beverage Service, where students learn English for Specific Purposes (ESP). The product of this study is in the form of teaching technique, namely Instructional Role Play, in which the students perform simulations and play certain roles according to the topics given. It is a joyful way of learning English since the students have clear purposes to talk and create situations corresponds to their real life. This technique is proven to be effective and highly motivating for the students to build their confidence in speaking English.

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