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The Emergence of Service Quality and Brand Awareness Toward Strategic Competitiveness and Its Impact on Hotel Performance

Khairunnisa Khairunnisa, Nila Krisnawati


Five-star hotels are known by their immense competitiveness, first-class portrayal and are superior in level of extravagance, eccentricity, representation, sophistication and amenities. Slow growth of five-star hotels aggravates strong competition, thus forcing hotel businesses to be competitive. This study attempts to analyze service quality and brand awareness toward strategic competitiveness and its impact on the performance of XYZ Hotel. The study applies both quantitative and qualitative research, which were obtained from questionnaire distribution to 100 respondents who have stayed at the hotel, in-depth interview with the PR and Front Office managers, and Focus Group Discussion with managers and hotel experts from Jakarta and Tangerang. The finding suggests that service quality has no correlation with strategic competitiveness and no significant impact on performance. Thus, brand awareness was found to be the most influential factor on strategic competitiveness. However, it is necessitated that five-star hotel continuously improve the quality of its service and the factors associated with service quality. 

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