Development of cultural tourism product in Taman Mini Indonesia Indah

Made Adhi Gunadi, Annisa Rahma Pramitha, Meizar Rusli


Indonesian cultural resources according to the World Economic Forum is ranked 38 of 140 countries. One of the tourist destinations in Indonesia that use cultural resources as tourist attraction is Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII). Along with the modernization of tourist interest, TMII establish cooperation to develop new tourist attractions. However, activities of majority tourists during their visit to TMII is just walking around, take pictures, recreation, or sport.  Tourists cultural tourism experience are lack, whereas TMII have vision to be the leading of cultural tourism destination. This research aimed to identify the concept of cultural tourism products that can be applied in TMII based on tourists motivation, tourism attraction in TMII, and activities in demand by tourists. This research used  descriptive method with qualitative approach.  Results of data analysis show that the physical or physiological motivation is the highest motivation chosen by the respondents, tourism attraction that gets the highest score is the architecture, and the activity of interest is sightseeing activities. These three variables are matched with the criteria of socio-cultural tour and two things that forming total experience. Hence, this research proposed  a formula of tourism product that can be applied and promoted in TMII as a cultural tourism program, so that tourists can get physical activity in the spot that has architecture attraction, and provide more cultural tourism experience but still superficial.Indonesian cultural resources according to the World Economic Forum is ranked 38 of 140 countries. One of the tourist destinations in Indonesia that use cultural resources as tourist attraction is Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII). Along with the modernization of tourist interest, TMII establish cooperation to develop new tourist attractions. However, activities of majority tourists during their visit to TMII is just walking around, take pictures, recreation, or sport.  Tourists cultural tourism experience are lack, whereas TMII have vision to be the leading of cultural tourism destination. This research aimed to identify the concept of cultural tourism products that can be applied in TMII based on tourists motivation, tourism attraction in TMII, and activities in demand by tourists. This research used  descriptive method with qualitative approach.  Results of data analysis show that the physical or physiological motivation is the highest motivation chosen by the respondents, tourism attraction that gets the highest score is the architecture, and the activity of interest is sightseeing activities. These three variables are matched with the criteria of socio-cultural tour and two things that forming total experience. Hence, this research proposed  a formula of tourism product that can be applied and promoted in TMII as a cultural tourism program, so that tourists can get physical activity in the spot that has architecture attraction, and provide more cultural tourism experience but still superficial.

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