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Tourism and hospitality research: Supporting a shift to holistic, situated and multiple world-views research agendas

Gayle Jennings


In order to forge ahead within global and glocal contexts of challenging growth, tourism and hospitality research needs to shift from a reliance on limited dimensional, objective and western-centric research to holistic, situated and multiple worlds-focused research endeavors. Such a shift would embrace the development of multidisciplinary, and interdisciplinary research teams and serve to reconnect tourism and hospitality research to broader growth related global, environmental, cultural and societal issues. While the beginning decades of the twenty-first century have been punctuated with a growing number of researchers who are attempting to advance such a shift; more needs to be done. Researchers regardless of their experience need to become more familiar with, appreciative of and engage with the various theoretical paradigms, methodologies and methods that inform research.  Further, to support the development of multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary teams, intrapersonal and interpersonal researcher abilities and capabilities need honing and refining in conjunction with development of personal knowledge and skill sets of researchers regarding team roles, cross-cultural communication, power and politics.  Relatedly, the education of future tourism and hospitality researchers also needs to involve the development of similar knowledge, skills, and competencies.

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Acknowledgment: This paper is based on a previous paper - Jennings, G.R. (2007). Tourism Perspectives towards “Regional Development and Asia’s Values”. Dong-Eui University, 22-23 October, Busan, South Korea (Invited speaker).

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